FEH CD-ROM is at the centre of the flood frequency estimation procedures.


FEH CD-ROM is at the centre of the flood frequency estimation procedures provided by the Flood Estimation Handbook.

It holds catchment information (descriptors) for more than 4 million sites across the UK, which can be accessed by users for their site of interest through a powerful interface. These catchment descriptors are used at ungauged sites to estimate key model parameters, such as the median annual flood (QMED) and the unit hydrograph time to peak (Tp), and in judging hydrological similarity between catchments (providing a basis by which to 'transfer' and 'pool' data). It also provides a Depth-Duration-Frequency (DDF) model, which allows assessment of the rarity of an observed rainfall event and the estimate of design rainfall depth for a user-defined duration and return period.

CEH Wallingford
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